My Non-Verbal Communication: Clothing, Listening and Smiling :)

On September 30, 2015, I pretended that everyone I came across was a potential friend. I carried myself more confidently, spoke to more strangers, and smiled twice as much. Ultimately, I found this experience made me more self-conscience. I imagined meeting myself, and how I would react. I wanted to be someone you would like to meet, someone bright, positive and outgoing. I wanted to seem genuine without trying too hard, and confident. For this one day, I concentrated on how that kind of person would get their personality to shine through their actions, not just their words. I wanted to smile, laugh and talk to new people. I found I had to consciously remind myself to appear open and inviting, and to be kind. It’s not as if these things are not already actions I am used to, but to have constant awareness of communication I cannot directly control was hard. I am definitely used to going through the day just being myself, not looking to impress anyone. I love meeting new people, but don’t see it as my mission in life. Throughout the day where it was my mission, I found myself focusing on three specific factors:

To me, clothing is the most common form of communicating non verbally, and I became very aware as the day went on the impression that others would be making of me because of my jeans and casual shirt. How did I appear to professors? How did I appear to mature students, who are dressed in sweats, or international students, wearing winter coats?

I tried my best to smile at all occasions. I think this communicates I am a fun and warm person to be around, but I also found it difficult to keep up with (facial muscles became exhausted).

I was extremely attentive. I tried my hardest to be a listener, to be someone who cared. I paid attention to every person I interacted with, and tried to make the most positive impact I could on them in the smallest amount of time

As I’ve learned, non verbal communication is the biggest aspect in our first impression of someone. After becoming extremely self-conscious for one day, I can say I am content with just being myself.

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