A Reflection of My First Term at the Mount

After my first three months at the Mount, I feel comfortable with the new atmosphere and routine. So many things have changed in my life, most of them for the better. I have met tons of new friends, learned new things in my classes, and joined the recreation society, residence life society, public relations and communications society, and volunteering at the wellness centre on campus. One of my favourite things about living away from home is the independence of living on my own. Assisi residence is connected to the rest of the buildings on campus, so I’m not forced to ever go outside if unnecessary. The freedom of eating when it suits me and building my own schedule around my classes is refreshing. That is something I miss when I go home on weekends to visit.

When considering my personal communication skills, they have been most impacted by my communications class. I have rarely  been made aware of my non-verbal communication and communication in my interpersonal relationships. Even though I have thought it over, I was never really taught about how to analyze and improve these skills.

When considering my non-verbal communication, I have most noticed a difference with my other friends in the pubic relations program. Since we have all become aware of these different styles of language and communication climate, I think it has improved how we relate with each other, especially non-verbally. When considering my interpersonal relationships, my communication has changed with my family and professional relationships with my teachers. I don’t think I have ever thought about the length or depth of my relationships until I heard of certain theories and models from my communications book. When reflecting on this information, it really puts meaning and definition in certain relationships.

I loved my first term at the Mount, and I’m so excited to finish the rest of the semester with my friends and professors. This is exactly the experience I wanted for myself, and I believe it is helping me grow as a person. I have really enjoyed learning about communication styles and language, as I think anyone might benefit from learning about how to improve their relationships.

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